बिक्री:+86-731-87100700 बिक्री:+86-15111058679 विक्रय - पश्चात सेवा:+86-18711156957

सब वर्ग
Professional Vending

हमारी मशीनs

व्यापारिक मशीन

मुख्य उत्पादs

अधिक >
  • CSC-60C(V22)
  • वायुसेना 60
  • CCH-60N(V10)
  • CFM-4C(H32)
  • FEL-54C(V22)
  • CSC-60C(V22)
  • वायुसेना 60
  • CCH-60N(V10)
  • CFM-4C(H32)
  • FEL-54C(V22)
हमारे बारे में

who we are

AFEN is a top Chinese vending machine company, which is specialized in developing, production and marketing related products in the field of self-service technology. As one of the top vending machine companies, with its advanced technical ability and huge manufacturing capacity, we have become an excellent supplier and partner in the self-service market.


AFEN has an independent core technology and hardware software R&D center, domestic advanced sheet metal production line, automatic environment protection spray line, final assembly line, and various types of precision CNC testing equipment.

हमारी सेवाएं


  • सेवा

    Pre sale service, professional training, remote service, telemetry icloud service

  • बिजनेस

    Overall solutions, telemetry cloud system customization, operators technical support

  • दिशा निर्देश
    दिशा निर्देश

    Hardware&software operation training、trouble shooting、management experience

  • सहयोग

    MOQ:2 , batchs for customization, welcome agency cooperation

हमारी सेवाएं
AFEN Vending Machine

